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Vegetable Picking

FaIRShaRe PaYMent SYSteM

Our tiered payment system makes fresh local food accessible to everyone!


We invite you to pay at the level that works for you, based on your current situation.


SNAP/HIP can be used at either the Retail or 50% off level.

Paying at the Retail level and using your SNAP/HIP benefits help us provide free food for those who need it.


Questions? Market Ambassadors will be available to answer questions at the markets, 

or send us a message now.

pAYMenT  MeTHoDs

We accept cash, credit/debit, SNAP/HIP, WIC and Senior Coupons
as well as our 
Mobile Market Gift Certificates (available for purchase).


Shoppers with SNAP/HIP or WIC or Senior Coupons-

Ask the Market Ambassador for more information about how best to use your benefits at the market.

Why do we have a FairShare payment system?


We envision an equitable and integrated food system where everyone is working together

to support regional agriculture and food access in the community.


The Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market provides the following benefits to the farmers and food producers that we purchase from: higher direct-to-consumer sales and income, lower marketing and transaction costs, and stronger social connections. The farmers that we buy from are always paid their full wholesale price. 


Hunger in Massachusetts is on the rise, which points to the need in certain areas of our community for better food access, particularly for fresh, locally grown foods.


Shoppers at the Retail tier support the financial sustainability of our markets. Paying the full retail price helps to balance inequities in our food system that create financial barriers to food access for some members of our community. 


By joining skills and networks, we seek to create sustainable local food systems in the county.

©2023 by Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market. Proudly created with

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